Delaware Irrigation Management System


DIMS uses an irrigation scheduling method based on the basic water balance. Output from evapotranspiration is calculated and tracked and compared to inputs from rainfall and irrigation to determine the amount of water available in the soil to a particular crop. Through this method, which is generally referred to as the "checkbook" method, a user hopes to optimize the amount of soil water required by the crop, thus reducing crop stress, improving crop yield, and reducing nutrient loss. DIMS utilizes the method described in FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56, Crop Evapotranspiration Guidelines for Computing Crop Water Requirements.


DIMS is a web-based system that requires a user account to gain access. To obtain a user account, please e-mail with "DIMS Account Access" in the subject line. A username and temporary password will be e-mailed to you by a CEMA system adminstrator and you may begin using DIMS.

DIMS Log-in

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